Question: “I am curious about this point in time where we find
ourselves. What might you be able to tell us about future changes, and
how should we proceed to prepare for them?”
David: “Such changes as, where will be the southern boundary of Florida
in the future?”
Response: “Yes.”
David: “If we start there, then I will say to you, do not buy land below
Hernando County.”
Response: Group laughter
David: “We are not jesting. It is strange to think of it, but remember
we have the eagles vision, and we have seen thousands upon thousands of
years. The Earth is in pain. Your storms will increase and just, I
believe it was yesterday, there were 3 more tornadoes that struck. The
intensity is occurring because the Earth is like a woman in labor, but
in this case, it is a powerful birth.
We are speaking of less than 20 years to see the boundaries of many of
your states change. The city of New Orleans is below sea level. That is
not a secret, but what is, is that the land beneath it has been reduced,
and it will sink even further when the waters rise from the polar caps
melting. And if you could see Alaska as we can at this very moment see
it, as we speak to you, and see the dirt and brown earth where once was
a glacier, you would understand that the times are moving.
The nation you call China, wishes to have everything that you have. Do
you realize what their population is? What happens if you give every
Chinese family a car? Yes, that is a very heavy thought. There would be
no more natural resources within 35 years! You cannot continue to poison
the Earth! You cannot continue to leave others upon the Earth to die of
starvation! Do you realize that in the time we have sat here, that over
1000 children have passed? That is one of our jobs, the Guides. When you
are sleeping, or do not need us, we are helping those who are being
forced to cross over. And the tremendous loss in China when the
earthquake hit, so many souls, that we ourselves were at a loss to help
them as quickly as we should. Does anyone know what the scale on the
Richter was for that earthquake?”
Response: “7.9”
David: “That is correct. It was at the 8. which is one of the largest.
But where is the response in the other country that also suffered the
tragedy? And now they say, within this day or the next few days, they
will finally allow relief to come in.”
Response: “Myanmar.”
David: “That is it. But here within your own area, we have spoken with
people who do not know that we seek the information within this
community. There are families within this county that have no food. All
of these elements together, the price of gasoline... is there a
shortage? No, there is not a shortage of gasoline! Then what is
happening? It is the manipulation of the market. The oil companies, if
you will look at their financial report, are making great profits and
from the stock market standpoint, is an excellent investment. That is
like financing Hitler, and that is what is happening! The oil is there,
there is not a shortage. There is not a lack of one barrel of oil from
where it was 2 years ago, it is simply a manipulation.
We warned in 1979 of the change in price of gold and silver in
September, and few listened to us, but it happened. And that was a
manipulation of the market. It did not have a reality. But perhaps the
rising prices of gasoline and transportation will force a more direct
consciousness to reducing the pollution caused by such things. Strange
is it not, that diesel fuel costs more today when in the past, diesel
fuel was the cheaper? It is after all, kerosene. It was 5 cents a gallon
when gasoline was 25 cents a gallon. Now it is the higher.
We are not a doomsday prophet, you asked. The changes that are coming
are here. It is not that we are looking toward the horizon, we are not
looking toward the future. We look at the Earth. How many will die in
the storms, and tornadoes, and earthquakes in this year? And how much
closer will we come to that point where the Earth will have to go into
an upheaval in order to save itself? The Earth will survive, the Earth
will not die, it will survive. The question is, how many of its
inhabitants will survive with it? These are the things that occur.
Great change is foretold by the Mayan calendar, not in the negative. It
is the marked time of change, the 21st of December in 2012, the Winter
Solstice, the end of the year and the beginning of the next, as the day
grows longer. But it was clearly to them, the mark where a great change
was to occur. Is it for the good or the bad?
The damages are being done today, even in the food supply. You spend
fortunes at the vitamin store to replace the elements you have taken out
of your food. You take a grain of wheat and take the wheat germ away,
then you go purchase the vitamin E to replace it. Something is
illogical. You inject chickens and cattle with chemicals and hormones to
make them grow more rapidly, these are strange things. But then, would
you like to think of a simple thing? We will give you a thought that
should point you in a direction where action can be taken. How does one
change it? It begins with a start. You start somewhere, something. In
one month's time, over a ton of food is thrown away in this county
alone. What does that say to you? We are talking about food that is
consumable, and if you think it difficult, go talk to any restaurant
owner and ask him how much he throws away everyday. Multiply it by the
number of restaurants and by 30 days, and then think of those families
who are hungry and can't even feed themselves or their children, or the
We spoke recently with people from the Salvation Army, and they are
overloaded with the need of people and have few hands in which to help.
Oh! We are a modern world, we are cybernetic or cybernautic. We can
count the stars, but we can't see the hungry beside us. We can fight
wars in foreign lands that have no meaning, and leave neighbors in our
backyard in misery. You started a war many years ago in Asia in a place
called Korea. You cut it in half and made the Southern half rich and
left the North behind a wall to starve to death, and then you wonder why
they became an enemy. You do not need us from the spirit world to tell
you. You need only to open your eyes and look around you, but every
single thing you do helps.
We ask the question constantly, why do they sell cigarettes and tobacco,
and we make no apologies to those who use them. How can you sell a toxin
to the public? Because it is a special interest political group! Have
you, the people, no voice? And your drug companies are creating drugs
that are more dangerous than their benefit, and they deny the simple
treatments and solutions.
Return to the earth in one sense. If you have your home on land, take a
small place, grow some vegetables, be part of the earth, feel it. Look
for opportunities to help. Remember, if your neighbor changes his oil
and throws the oil in the brush on the empty lot, that is pollution and
that will not go away. Actually, in truth, you would not like to see
what is in your water. We can, and we can tell you that it is badly
contaminated. And as the ocean rises from the melting polar caps, the
salt water will infuse into the land masses, contaminating the fresh
water reservoir. As you continue to pump oil out of the ground, only in
the past few years have they realized it is necessary to put something
back. So at least in California they are pumping sea water into the
empty caverns where oil once was, because California was sinking at a
very fast rate. Now, they do not need to worry about sinkage, the water
will rise and take care of the problem.
This is a good county, but what are you going to do with all the people
from the South when they come here? It can't happen? Remember Andrew,
the hurricane, and what happened in Florida? The ones from the South
moved North, and areas that were quite comfortable to live in like West
Palm Beach, suddenly had a new type of neighborhood. These are the
answers, and they are only the tip of the iceberg.
There is an ancient system which believed that every soul consciousness
was obligated to do one good act each day, but that act must be done out
of love, not out of necessity. It is a spiritual obligation, but if you
do it because it is an obligation, you have done nothing. Proceed.”
Question: “Because you are predicting unusual events with the weather,
water, and wind, is there anything I can do to prevent this from
David: “An interesting question, which should be understood by all. The
wind is a result of changes. The water rising is a separate problem.
Where does it go as it rises? It was chained in ice in the Northern and
Southern parts of the world. It was imprisoned there to protect us and
to give us more land, but now the monster is released, and the water
will rise because it is. But let us understand one thing: There is
something very important for all of you to understand.
All that exists, exists as it is, because you believe it is. That is to
say, that if you could group minds together, you could make changes, and
yes, you could move the winds in another direction, and you can calm the
tsunami. But it takes a large group of people, well focused in their
consciousness. It takes at least 144 minds working together.”
Editor's Note: The preceding information was given by David on 05/23/08,
prior to the devastating tornadoes and floods that occurred in the
Midwest during the second week of June. Also note, that the earthquake
in China, cyclone in Myanmar and other predicted events occurred after
Volume 14, Number 2 was published earlier this year.
Question: “What can one do to attract an evolved or advanced soul to a
new baby?”
David: “Normally, the soul is selected at the time of conception, and as
we have said in the past, it is not fixed in its relationship until the
time of birth; therefore, one can look to bring in a higher
consciousness energy for the being that is to be born. That would
require the desire, the collective desire of both parents, the husband
and the wife, or the male and the female. This is done in meditation by
simply focusing upon the concept of the type of soul that one wishes to
attract, but both parties must put the energy forward in order for a
change or higher evolution to occur. Do you understand?”
Response: “Yes.”
Question: “Will our daughter be able to have her own baby? Her uterus is
heart shaped.”
David: “Otherwise is she normal?”
Response: “Yes.”
David: “She might conceive under special circumstances. They could, of
course, use insemination. They would recommend against it because of the
deformity of the uterus, but under the right conditions, she could
conceive naturally. It would have to be a spiritually attractive,
conception. Do you understand?”
Response: “Totally.”
David: “Under those circumstances, we bring great caution here. When a
conception occurs as a result of a spiritual conscious union, that
conception may not be terminated without bringing dire results. Do you
Response: “Yes.”
David: “There was a case of a woman, who at the age of 40 had never been
able to conceive. We helped her and her husband choose a time, and they
meditated for many hours together and joined a union of consciousness
and body, and she conceived. And then, they decided that the burden of a
child at that age would be too much and chose an abortion. Their lives
were never normal again. They chose a very hard karmic path, if you
understand. But the answer to your question is yes, but only under that
type of condition.”
Response: “I keep seeing a little girl that is a crystal child.”
David: “The answer would be yes, but we do not think of it as much a
crystal, as we see a red ruby or green emerald, which is probably the
better stone to use during the time of meditation. The pure white
crystal is not a symbol of conception, but of purity and energy and
balance. The fire of a ruby is a tremendous tool in heightening the
energies, but one must essentially, in a case such as this, achieve a
mutual Kundalini to conceive. Proceed.”
Question: “What is the best goal a person can pursue to create a happy,
joyful relationship?”
David: “One does not set a goal upon a relationship. One sets goals for
oneself in life. It is not by work that a relationship continues, but a
relationship takes a great deal of work to make it work, employing the
double usage. The concept that one must fulfill one set of roles or
destinies in order to have a successful relationship, is not truly
valid. The relationship could exist and be fruitful even without one
person's participation. But when there is a relationship, there is a
joint energy, a joint effort to accomplish commonly agreed upon goals,
and each person contributing all of their capacity to fulfill those
objectives. But it is not a goal of the individual, it is a collective
goal of the pair or group that have come together, just as a farming
family works collectively. And their goal is not individual, but
collective, though it is seldom thought of in such grandiose terms. It
is more simply thought of as, let us plant, let us cultivate, let us
harvest and let us do everything possible to have a good return, with
each doing his or her best to make it so and bring forth all known
talents and contributions from a consciousness standpoint. Do you
Response: “Yes.”
David: “Think of it like the Kibbutz in Israel, though today, the
Kibbutz has changed a great deal. But the concept of the Kibbutz is
where a group of people, strangers one to the other, work and live in a
given community in order to fulfill a common goal, the betterment of the
community, and each share in the benefits or blessings of that action.
Thus it should be in a relationship. No relationship can be one sided or
singular in nature. Proceed.”
Question: “I have remembrances, as a small child, of a spiritual
visitation in my bedroom. I often wonder if that was my guarding angel,
or my imagination and child's desire. Can you tell me if that was my
guardian angel?”
David: “Give us your name. And please, all of you who ask, give us a
name that we may connect to you with. The truth is that, yes, some use
the term guarding angel.
We are spiritual beings who have finished the cycles, or the need to
return to the physical form, and in our continued evolution, we grow by
helping others and guiding. Therefore, we generally prefer the term
guide, though there is no harm in the idea of the guardian angel. We
too, do try to protect and guide the individuals when they allow us to.
As a child, you were not visited, you simply saw what was present. And
most children do see the spiritual beings about them and do not find
them strange until the adults tell them that is only a figment of their
imagination, and then they lose the contact and the ability. You cannot
see that which you do not believe in, but it was real.”
Question: “I would like to know if I have a spiritual guide, and if I am
allowed to call the entity by name. If so, how would I access the
David: “A perfect question. I hope all heard and understood. It is a
classic question: Do I have a guide? Can I name him or call him by a
name, or her, and how do I initiate this?
Your guide has no ego. That is an important thing to remember. The guide
does not require a name. The guide does have a name of preference but
may be called by any name you wish. This entity, Richard, referred to me
as the Magid (guide in Hebrew) for almost 30 years, until people would
accidentally call him David. And he asked me one day, 'Who is David?'
And I answered him, and I said, 'I am.' And he said, 'Why didn't you
tell me?' And I said, 'You never asked.' Your guide may be named, and
you are already communicating.
Your guide is not someone you must approach through a ritual or a
complicated manner. You speak to your guide as if you were speaking
to your sister, or brother, or closest friend. In fact, there is no one
closer to you than your guide. Communicate daily your thought, but also
remember to give your guide the manner by which to answer you. Do you
wish your answer as thoughts flowing into your mind? As dreams? How do
you wish the guide to communicate with you? And if you meditate well,
the guide will eventually give you the name that is preferred, but that
is not important. You may choose any name for the guide, one that
represents the bond between you and the guide. Myself, as a guide, I
have had many names in the thousands of years in which I walked
upon the land in human form. The name that I have and use at this time
is the vibration that suits me, but does not become necessary. If you
insisted on calling me Peter, or Sam, or Paul, I would equally respond
to you. Do you understand?”
Response: “Yes, thank you.”
Question: “Can you give me my guide's name?”
David: “That is a good question, and one that benefits all. We do not
give the guide's name, because you must learn the guide's name through
your meditation, but you may name the guide, as we said a moment ago.
We, at times, have been able to confirm a guide's name when someone
received it in a particular manner. The guide is not sensitive. Again,
as we said, choose a name that feels good until such time as the guide
chooses to give you a name. Proceed.”
Question: “I have a friend who is going through a very rough time. I
would like to know if the guides have any words of advice as to whether
she is going to be successful in the healing she is trying to have
David: “Sometimes the energies given do not produce healing, but give
the power to separate and free oneself from this realm. Do you
Response: “I am not sure.”
David: “All persons seeking healing must receive energy from others, but
they may not receive by their conscious intent, that is to say, ' I will
heal this appendix , or I will heal this broken leg.' One gives the
energy to the Soul Consciousness of the individual, and it decides in
which direction to apply or use the energy. This matter of your friend
is one of that type, wherein the decision finalizes with her Soul
Consciousness. And only if she were here personally herself, could we
give more information for her. Do you understand?”
Response: “Yes.”
David: “We respect the privacy of each individual. We answered the
question about a daughter, because it is the mother. That is a special
privilege. We try to avoid dealing or answering questions related to
other persons who are living, unless they have specifically asked that
the question be made for them. Proceed.”
Question: “I had a lot of paranormal things happen to me before I was
12. In 2005, I had the most terrifically traumatic horrible experience
in my life. I had to go through feeling terrible and spent years healing
that issue. I am fine now, but last summer, something really weird
happened. It was in the middle of the night, and yes, there is an
individual connected to this trauma, but I feel uncomfortable speaking
his name out loud to this day. I was reading a book in the wee hours of
the morning, and all of a sudden, I started reliving that traumatic
memory, but the feeling was opposite. I got this happy, positive, warm
comforting blanket feeling. It was not a traumatic memory, but a
cherished memory. It was similar to remembering a favorite Christmas or
something like that. The following day when I went to school, I
remembered having anxiety about meeting the individual who was the
source of the trauma, but this time as I remembered him, I had an
angelic feeling. I told my best friend about it, and he said, 'It's
funny you said that, so-n-so's mother just died.' To me, that was the
most hated memory of my life. If the mother was communicating with me,
it did not make any sense. I feel better now, and I know I will be fine,
but I am wondering why, if that was her, would she want to reverse my
feelings on that issue?”
David: “First of all, let us first understand a thing about events in
memories, especially traumatic events. It is difficult to deal with and
to live with trauma, but the only solution to trauma is to bring it out,
forward, to bring it where it can be observed. This is the reason why
many persons have blocks and have difficulty doing regressions within
the lifetime, because they have suppressed memories or events that they
do not wish to examine. The key is what is called, Gestalt therapy, and
Gestalt therapy is a professional technique. There are two Institutes,
at least that I am aware of, and one of the secrets or techniques of
this therapy is the reliving of the experience and replaying it in the
memory, and even speaking of it in some form, until the event no longer
is a traumatic or a painful event, but merely a historic one.”
Response: “But why did she come through to me? I never met this person
in my life.”
David: “We did not say that she came to you. It was your own guide
bringing you a message that you would make a good writer. 'Reading in
the Wee Small Hours of the Morning'... it sounds like a good novel to
start with. This type of action was triggered by the passing of the
mother, being that the energy of the mother reached out in the
consciousness looking to erase the errors, as is typical in that moment.
But it was the guide who brought the event forward to the forefront of
your mind, and it was an exaggerated manner of trying to show you that
although it was a horrible traumatic event, that it too could be
reversed in that sense.
The entity (Richard) had a difficult experience in his childhood. From a
child's standpoint, it was a horrible trauma. Two policemen came to his
school and took him from the class and put him in the back of their car
and drove him to a large horrible appearing series of buildings, which
were and are today, a hospital. They then took him out of the car,
literally carrying him one by each arm, and took him to the morgue. He
was thinking that he was going to be killed. And when they arrived at
the morgue, the morgue attendant opened a drawer and pulled back a
sheet. They asked of a child, 'Is this your mother?' His mother had died
of a sudden heart failure, and there were no other living family members
to identify her. After that, in life whenever the entity (Richard) saw
two police officers in blue uniforms, he would experience a terrible
anxiety and a desire to run, not as if he were a criminal, but with a
terror deep inside. And it wasn't until he did his own Gestalt
regression, that he found the event. In reality, it was probably the
only solution. The two police officers did not know what to do with a
young child, and if they had told him that his mother was dead, he
probably would have been more difficult to handle. A bad situation for
all, and it later became a story he told quite often, because that
became his catharsis, his form, his way of letting it go, even as you
must find your way to let this memory go, and then you will be free of
it. And you may choose to write of it in a fictional manner.”
Response: “No thanks.”
David: “We are simply responding to the reason for which it came to you
this way. It is part of your treatment and your cure. Proceed.”
Question: “I want to know if I am healing properly. Do I need to do
anything special to heal better?”
David: “Well, we worked very hard to help you during that surgery. You
just need to rest and follow your instructions. You have a tendency to
overdo it. The one thing we learned from the entity (Richard) in the
Southern part of the Americas, was the idea of the siesta or nap in the
middle of the day. It's a great idea. I think it should become law after
60 years of age. Before 60, suffer a little.”
Response: Group laughter.
David: “We do find that after surgery, you certainly need to get your
feet up in the air several times a day. We said, she has a tendency to
overdo it. If you call her up from the other side of the county, she
will be there in 20 minutes, even if it is impossible.”
Question: “I am about to take a trip and would like to know if that trip
has any significance pertaining to what is going to happen to me.”
David: “We must be careful about the phrase, 'happening to me.' Where
shall you go?”
Response: “Brazil.”
David: “That is a beautiful country. It is undergoing much pain. But
yes, it will be an awareness experience for you. Are you going as a
human or as a rich American?”
Response: “I am going as a human.”
David: “You understand why we say it?”
Response: “Absolutely.”
David: “If you go as a human, then open your eyes and open your heart
and learn from the experience. There is not much that you can do as one,
just a smile or two, but you will learn much.”
Response: “My purpose is going for healing.”
David: “You are looking for healing?”
Response: “Yes.”
David: “You are going to be giving healing. You will understand
afterwards. Proceed.”
Question: “I have been through a lot physically this year, and I am
almost to the point of being fully recovered from it. Do you have any
advice concerning how I can be of the most benefit to others when I am
fully recovered?”
David: “The best form in which you can help others, and that is true of
all, is to be a good example, and to share your experiences and
understanding with others, taking the opportunities when they present
Some of your illnesses are caused by genetic factors, which of course,
you have no control over. As you choose to come into life, you're given
a choice-- 'Sorry we don't have a perfect body for you at this time, but
we do have one that has a kidney problem. Do you want it or not?' And
you say, 'Yes, I have to get back, this is my time to work.' Or perhaps
you don't get to be born in a rich family, but a poor one on the wrong
side of the world. These are all things that occur. From the humblest
point to the highest, we can all be an example to others. We remember
well, the man you called Ghandi. He took the most simplistic approach to
set an example and he died for it. But these are not of importance,
because he accomplished his goal and his work. You must look for the
manner in which you can share your experiences with others in a positive
manner, and you need to look to your health to keep yourself in balance.
Do you understand?”
Response: “I understand. Thank you.”
Question: “My brother is addicted to crack, and I am having a hard time
about helping him.”
David: “Did he ask you to help him?”
Response: “He asked me for money.”
David: “That is not help. We must understand, and this is a sad and
poignant issue. You cannot help someone who does not ask for help. You
cannot help the alcoholic until he is willing to admit he is an
alcoholic, the same is true of the drug addict. How is it possible that
a society as advanced and as intelligent has allowed things like this to
infiltrate into its children? All you can do is try to get him in
rehabilitation, but in the end, he must recognize that he has a problem,
and he must ask for help. Then you must do all that you can to get him
into the proper Center, but to give him money, of course, is like
handling him a loaded pistol.
The drug problem is not new, it is old. There was an author some 5000
years ago, in the civilization of Sumer and the city of Ayr who wrote,
'The children no longer respect their parents, and there is a great
widespread use of drugs.' They had already learned to license pharmacies
and physicians.
But the problem is ours today in this world, and ours from the sense
that we from the spiritual world do have to deal with the souls that are
crossing over confused. And understand the order when a soul dies. When
a consciousness dies a being of physical violence, such as war, or
accident, or suicide, including drug death, that consciousness returns
to the human form within 5 years, and most often they are not ready to
return. They have not had time enough to assimilate. Those who die in
mature age will have their rest, even up to a century of time, but many
have come back trying to help, and of course, are often locked up within
the system, being within the wrong country, or wrong race or group.
Remember, that from our advantage and vistage, there are no such things
as borders. Your concepts of nationalism are almost as evil in one
sense, as the concept of religion when it separates man.
Put the light to your brother. Look for healing energy for him, look to
get him rehabilitation, and if you could find the source, inform the
police. It is difficult to watch another waste their life. Proceed.”
Question: “Am I on the right path to be the most help?”
David: “The first answer is you must be, because you are here this
evening. The second question is, are you happy?”
Response: “Sometimes.”
David: “Then you have achieved more than most. What does it take to make
you happy more often? Find that, and you find your path. Proceed.”
Question: My father passed in December 2006, and I want to know if he
has a message for me tonight.”
David: (pause)....”I am sorry, your guide does not have a message from
him. We had your guide seek the person to receive, but many times, those
who have crossed over are involved in their new awakening and new
experience in their learning. And yet, in another moment, a message
might come through. In cases such as this, it would be a wise thing to
write to us asking for that message, and then we can send an entity to
find him and see if he wishes to send a message. Do you understand?”
Response: “Yes. He comes to me in a dream sometimes. Is it him
communicating with me or was it just a dream?”
David: “Your guide indicates that he has visited. That is all I have of
Question: “My mother died about 6 years ago, and she was also my best
friend. However, after she died, I did cry for her a little bit, but I
feel a little guilty that I do not think of her more often than I do. I
want to know if that is just me or... ?”
David: “You are doing fine. The problem we experience, and I say we, we
from the other side, from the world of spirit as you call it, and we
call it the world of reality, let us look for a moment of what happens.
When a soul consciousness leaves this plane of existence, what are its
problems? Its problems are the connections it has with family, with ties
of love that bind so strong. How can one tear oneself away from the
family it has left behind, and especially when the family produces a
show of grief that is continued remembrance and mourning of the passing.
These are hindrances. That is why it is said that the passing is a
Think of the way you came into this world, and as you leave it, you are
a consciousness returning to yourself, returning to a totality of
memories and experiences of many lives being unified once again, not
limited by the ego consciousness of the physical form.
Somewhere, somehow, you realized that your mother was gone and that she
needed to move on to her things. The less mourning, the better. That is
one of the benefits the people of India have found in their ritual of
cremation, removing the physical body and the Earth's existence, and
scattering the ashes upon the river so that the consciousness is free
and there is no direct connection. Probably, one of the most difficult
creations that has been made in modern time is what you term a cemetery,
where you maintain constant emotional ties with those who have crossed.
Remembering happy moments, or pleasant moments without sadness is good,
to mourn is not. When the time has come, there is naught that can change
it, and that soul needs to be free to move on. So instead of saying that
you should have, we salute you for having given your mother her freedom
and not chaining her here with your grief. Proceed.”
Question: “David, I wonder if you have a message for me from my sister
or my brother?”
David: “One moment .... How long has it been since they passed?”
Response: “17 years, and my brother about 4 years.”
David: “How old was your sister when she passed?”
Response: “She was 79.”
David: “Though it seems strange for the time, usually those who achieve
the greater years enjoy a greater period of rest, but we find that your
sister has returned. We do not find her in our realm.”
Response: “She has returned to Earth in another body?”
David: “That is correct. That, we received from what appears to be your
brother. All is in balance, as it should be, though many things were not
as we thought them to be, that is well also. That is the message.”
Question: “Is there a message from my guide, or something I should know?
Also, any information concerning a book I would like to write?”
David: “First of all, your guide said he would like to hear from you
more often and suggests you make your meditation structures a little
more fixed in time, more regular. With that, you will get the guidance
for the book, and that is also considered to be a good idea. Proceed.”
Question: “I am on a path of love. I would like a way to be opened up
for what I am supposed to do. I am 89 years old. I want to live long
enough to write 2 books and do good for the world. What do you see for
David: “Time is always an important element. When the energies fail,
there are other means. The knowledge and memory and ideas that you have
in your mind should be committed, and if you do not have the energy or
time to write, you may speak or record them. And with the equipment that
is available today, even as we use here, it is easily accomplished to
fulfill your desire.
Your time was chosen before you were born. You have the ability to move
in and out of that moment and to extend, but only if you are working in
the light all of the time. We are not saying that you are not. We find
your energies to be delicate, and certainly, you should maintain close
contact with those who are skilled in providing healing energies, to
allow you to continue your work. Every thought that you share in
whatever way that is positive, is a contribution and is productive. As
you know, bringing a smile to the face of a child is a tremendous
accomplishment. Sharing a smile, or a word, or piece of bread, are all
part of the things we were brought here to do.
You, as all, were brought here to learn, and to learn how to live
together in harmony with the world in which you live. Unfortunately,
that has not yet been accomplished. Therefore, individually, what is
your greatest objective? The greatest objective that each of you has, is
to awaken another consciousness to the reality of life and spirit and
balance, that in truth, we and you are spiritual beings occupying
physical bodies for a finite period of time. But you already know this,
and we are all flowing from and to the same source. Share what you can
and put it into a form that others may benefit. That is your answer. And
here in this room, there are many consciousness' who, I am sure, would
be interested in helping you. Look at the light about you-- we see them
all. You may accomplish the majority of your task or all of it, but you
will need to find others to work with you.”
Question: “From time to time, I can see you (David) as we talk. I have
seen you go to the library several times during this session, looking at
the books of life and holding a scroll in your hand. I ask you a
spiritual question. I have been on the other side many times on a
spiritual level. I have been on this earth many times, mainly to guide,
to heal, to help, to love, to give compassion. I have gotten to a point
where I am beginning to wonder, in preparation for the next life, why?
Can I also ask the question, who am I?”
David: “You are the drop of rain that fell upon the mountain and joined
a small stream until it became a river and then flowed outward into the
ocean and unified with all, until the sun came and brought you out again
as a point of moisture forming a cloud. You are a consciousness coming
from a Soul, to a soul consciousness, to an ego consciousness, and it is
not important to understand the mechanisms. The late Jane Roberts in her
book, 'The Education of OverSoul Seven', did an excellent job of trying
to explain. Each soul consciousness has the choice when they have
finished their karmic responsibilities, to either return to the earth to
work, to help others, or to work as a guide, or in some other manner on
the spiritual planes.
But we ask you to look upon this world, does it not need help? Is it not
still a tragedy? Is it not still a horrible place in many areas? Those
consciousness' that have reached a point of understanding need to
return, and they have returned at this time and must return again, or
this experiment will terminate. The Earth itself will terminate, and we
are not speaking of the Mayan calendar, we are speaking of man
destroying himself. He is destroying the Earth by poisoning it. He is
destroying himself through war and greed.
We see the promise when we see the light that emanates from beings, such
as you all who are here. We have seen your light kinds across this world
as we have traveled. Many of the light beings, or light workers, and
many are fatigued,... but let us stop for a moment. When you step out of
the shell and return once again to your natural form and all of your
previous experiences unified, you can then look at the world from the
eagle's viewpoint. The individual locked within his physical body has
the view of the worm, and we remind you that the worm is blind. Only in
the Soul state, when you step out of the body in what you term astral
projection, do you have the vision of the eagle. Let us say, that the
world needs you, and needs you to continue. Continue to learn until the
time to change, for all things that you learned will be brought into the
unified consciousness. When I think of a tear from the Creator forming
Souls that go, and grow, and learn, and experience, and then one day
return to their source, you are Gods in the becoming.
But knowledge is not wisdom. Only by experience, is wisdom gained, and
you all are the tools by which the infinite wisdom is achieved. Thus we