Question: “Concerning the economy, do you still see the American
dollar strengthening by the end of 2008?”
David: “The dollar should be stronger by the end of this year. Of
course, the future is always variable, but we certainly see, as we get
through this period of absurdity which you call the electoral campaign,
the world is watching. The decisions that are made there will help
determine whether the dollar is strong or weak, also in which direction
the government moves in regard to other areas. The dollar could be
strong if the government would do something to stabilize the housing
It is not the petroleum market that needs to be saved. It has enough
profit for itself, and if the American people have to pay $6.00 a gallon
for gasoline, they will pay it. They may pay closer attention to which
politicians they elect as a result, but they will still pay it. It is no
different than those who smoke. Does anyone know what a carton of
cigarettes cost?”
Response: “About $40.00 or maybe more.”
David: “We noticed in a store, in advertisement, between $28.00 and
$40.00. But people are still buying, and we were recently in a Sam's
store with the entity (Richard) and Marlene, and we saw a long line of
persons waiting to purchase those cigarettes. They will do equally
purchasing their gasoline.
You cannot have bank instability and mortgage instability. One of the
areas that is most important is the need for, and no one is pushing it,
a federal usury (credit card interest limit) law. Anyone who wishes to
make noise within the blogs and news channels, should send messages
about a need for a usury limit in this country. The uncontrolled credit
market is destroying the system. The fact that someone can be given a
credit card at 8.9% and 6months later, that can be raised to 29% without
impunity, without legal control, is usury.
The housing market is an equal area. Many were greedy and gained out of
the growth, but it is time for the government to bring stability to that
area. Bring people back into their homes, and if the housing market can
be stabilized, then the economy as a whole will strengthen. It is not
important to build more homes, it is important to utilize those which
exist and then build as needed. There are many areas where building
needs to be done due to destruction.
The pressure and the selection of candidates needs to be to persons who
are fiscally intelligent and capable of directing the government in
those directions. Proceed.”
Question: “Due to the high oil prices, offshore drilling has again
become a hot issue here in the US. Many who were formerly against it,
have now changed their tune, even though it would not have any immediate
effect on the price of oil. Please tell us what you can about offshore
drilling, and also drilling on leased lands which the oil companies
already own.”
David: “You have to plan for the future. If you're going to use oil, you
must look for it. You cannot wait until there is no more to decide
finding it. If you have leased land with oil, then with modern
technology there is a minimal impact upon the environment. Look at
Canada, look at Calgary, the shale oil or the sand oil is the largest
deposit in the world, greater than Saudi Arabia. They are simply
scooping it up and processing it.
Offshore drilling requires control, inspection, and good engineering.
They have some very sophisticated equipment. But you cannot put even a
crane up in the air in New York or other cities without them falling
down, so how do you expect to put oil rigs out in the middle of the
water? The system needs to be changed. There has to be better safety
standards. But if you are going to use oil, you will have to look for it
in all of the places where it might exist, because remember, that each
deposit of oil may last only 20 or 50 years before it is depleted.
You need to find alternate energy sources. You have many of them at your
finger tips. The rush should be to find them, but in the meantime you
must continue to produce oil. The reserves from this country should be
opened to break the back of the oil market, and at the same time, allow
the companies to drill on land they already own, which has less of a
risk. And consider the sea drilling only as a last element after having
found safer systems of inspection, or perhaps, when you can put up a
crane 150 feet without it falling apart. Proceed.”
Question: “I recently learned of a possible alternate form of fuel
which can be derived from vertical algae. Apparently, a large amount of
the algae could be grown in very little space. Can you give us more
information about this idea?”
David: “It is not dissimilar to a vegetable or fruit business being
developed here in Florida, they are of similar nature. Many such natural
substances could be used. We do not have any real information on this
particular element, the algae, but we are conscious of the many
potentials that exist. The idea of using the algae to convert it into an
oil that can be consumed may well be an interesting one, but the first
and foremost reaction is the elimination of burning of fuels.
Separate the hydrogen and the oxygen, that makes sense to do. Therein we
have concepts. But using other oils, whether it is corn oil or whatever,
as a source of fuel, or fermentation process to produce alcohol, is not
the solution to energy.
The transportation must move toward mass transportation, less individual
transportation. And those that are individual need to be smaller and
more compact and more efficient, so someone has the means to run down to
the store and back, but not in a gas guzzling monster. The use of solar
energy, the use of the new lithium ion batteries, which are now
available... as of only a few weeks ago, there is a new battery that is
now capable of being used and new techniques in the processing. And
there is nothing wrong with having the top of the car being a solar
panel either, or is there?”
Response: “No.”
David: “The solar panels on houses are useful. Why not put a solar panel
on top of the car and help the system with its energy needs? The
vertical algae may just be another temporary element, but remember that
everything that grows requires nutrients, it has to have its food source
at one point. One thing this planet does have in great quantities, is
water, and you know what water is made of?”
Response: “Hydrogen and oxygen.”
David: “Hydrogen and oxygen, therein you have the solution. Imagine
stopping by and saying, 'Could I have a gallon of water for my car,
please?' How much does a gallon of water cost?”
Response: “About a buck, 78 cents at
David: “Therein, you have all you need in the high voltage, high energy
device to transform or separate the hydrogen and oxygen and the tanks to
store and put the solar panel on, and it will make the car a little
uglier. What are the box type cars you have now? They look like a
military machine.”
Response: “Hummers.”
David: “Yes, that one. Those are about the ugliest things that we have
seen. Put a solar panel on top, convert water to hydrogen and eliminate
the problem. A small car could be converted to a starter motor from a
jet engine and a battery, powered with the solar, powered by plug in
using the new lithium ion type of batteries. You could do the majority
of your transportation needs without charging up but once a day.
Question: “Terrorist attacks are almost a daily event in other parts
of the world. Do you foresee any significant terrorist events happening
in the United States again? If so when?”
David: “The answer to that question is yes, and if your programs on
television, including some of your news outlets, would stop being so
stupid as to point out to the terrorists where to attack and how to
attack, you might have less. We have seen in the last month or two, more
weak spots in the United States than one would even imagine existed. But
do you not realize that you just had a terrorist attack?”
Response: “No... yes, the salmonella.”
David: “Exactly. The salmonella is the last thing. It is impossible for
a waterborne bacteria to get on peppers and tomatoes and fruits and
vegetables that grow from the ground. Salmonella is normally associated
with sea creatures and animals, shellfish, turtles and other sea
creatures. How was the tomato and jalapeno contaminated? They were
sprayed with water containing salmonella. A certain portion was absorbed
into the vegetable, which then fermented, grew, and then it was eaten,
did its job. That is why the government looks so stupid, pardon our
expression, in its attempt to isolate the source. There wasn't a
particular source, and it was only a trial attack.
The idea is of gigantic food chain networks producing food chain
weaknesses, and this is the actual proof of it. Are there more coming?
Yes! They are simply trying to find a way to get at the most. We will
not tell you where. We will not be as the news giving the means to find.
But all one has to do to have major impact is to poison the water supply
of any city, and of course, eliminate the electricity of areas.
Major impacts could be made in a number of ways, and terrorists are only
looking for opportunities. They have to get their groups together, study
their options, and what are they looking for? They are looking for
maximum impact. Translate: kill the maximum number of people possible
and injure the maximum number of people possible to injure. Airplanes
are not enough, that's only 200 something people or 300. It is better
talking about killing 5,000, 10,000, and these are the factors that are
being considered. But then again, if your system of security singles out
a member of Islam at a security checkpoint, he screams, 'prejudice,
privation of my rights.' When it comes to the security of a nation, no
one has rights! It is the duty of the government to protect. At least,
in times past, the government saw fit to try to protect itself from what
it considered a potential enemy, even though it never proved to be. Do
you remember the Japanese concentration (internment) camps in the United
Response: “Yes.”
David: “That was an action taken by a government willing to do what was
necessary to protect the enmity of the country. They did not believe
that the majority of those people were anti American, but they knew that
a small number of them were. The larger number were put through typical
experiences. They were not tortured, they were not beaten, they were not
starved, they were simply isolated. We cannot imagine, with your liberal
system, what would happen if you were to isolate every Muslim in this
country. It certainly would be interesting, would it not?”
Response: “Sure would.”
David: “It would not matter if they did not enter the country. Then we
would not have as much of a security threat. The entity (Richard), know-ing
the Muslim culture, thought that perhaps all Muslims who enter into the
country must place their hands in a bowl of pig's blood as a sign of
their good intentions. Do you know how many Muslims would do that?”
Response: “None.”
David: “That is correct, that is how many would enter. Sometimes, one
considers if you were to fight an enemy such as that, why not take one
of the airplanes, instead of putting bombs, just spray pig's blood
before the battlefield. We guarantee there would be no enemy fighters.
Isn't that strange? Something that would not kill a man would stop a
war. But it is difficult to deal with that problem now that you are into
those countries and bringing members of those countries into this
country freely.
We will say this, that one out of every five Muslims that you can find
is a potential terrorist. Unfortunately, it is not like a Chinese
restaurant. The entity (Richard) always makes the joke that when he goes
to a Chinese restaurant, he takes a table where he can sit with his back
to the wall so he can keep an eye on them, habits from long ago which
you will understand. But you have no way to keep an eye on Muslims. And
since their purpose is spiritual, at least in their minds, the only
solution is to get out of their lands, leave them to themselves, and get
them out of your lands. If this be a nation under God, founded on
Christian/Judaic principles, then there should be no place for a Muslim.
And if you doubt my word, read the Koran yourselves. Even in English it
is clear. If the Muslim is allowed to own a piece of land, that land
belongs to Allah. And now, Muslims must be faithful to Allah and cleanse
that land and all land around it. That is like saying, that what was
done to Typhoid Mary was a crime. Do you remember Typhoid Mary?”
Response: “Yes.”
David: “The poor woman was isolated on an island in New York, because
she was the carrier of Typhus, not because she had committed a crime,
but what she carried would kill millions. So it is.
There are many Arab Christians who escaped the Middle East because of
the persecution, and not all Muslims are from the Middle East. Perhaps,
a portion of the millions they use to keep sending Mexican immigrants
back to their own land could be used to give free tickets to Muslims to
return to their land.
Until you have a government that recognizes the need to return to the
foundation of this country, to the founding principles and the founding
ideas, the liberals have taken the major control. First, Communism had
to be allowed-- 'freedom of speech.' The Nazi party had to be allowed to
exist-- 'freedom of speech.' These are not sensible things.
You do not bring into your home systems that destroy. You are worried
about your ability to bear arms, some sacred prehistoric right to pick
up a club and kill your neighbor. In major cities, it would be more
practical to ban arms completely, and make it a crime to be caught with
one, because the crime with arms is in the city. But you have gone
farther than that.
The motto of this nation is 'In God We Trust.' You cannot say 'in God,'
the ACLU would file a lawsuit. It doesn't matter what the symbolism at
the Supreme Court is. You mustn't mention God, religion, prayer, or even
morality, there are no spiritual rights. This is not what this country
was founded upon as a concept. And if it does not return to its
foundations and rebuild itself upon those foundations, then it shall be
as Rome, and it shall be no more. Greater civilizations have existed and
no longer exist.
Look to your candidates in your upcoming elections and find those who
are of the light. Darkness is not the answer, nor is violence. The only
medicament war has ever given is to reduce overpopulation, and now to do
that, you would have to destroy entire nations to reduce the population.
And yet, you are close to the verge of it. That is all, do you have
further questions?”
Question: “The situation between Israel and Iran is very worrisome.
The Middle East appears to be a tinderbox with those countries
possessing nuclear weapons. Do you think that negotiations with Iran can
ever be successful? Also, what is the true situation with North Korea?
Are they really dismantling all their nuclear reactors as they say they
David: “Taking the latter, North Korea wants to be South Korea. They
want all the benefits. They have made enough material that they could
return to their reactor if they do not get what they wish. But if you
give them food and opportunity to be work centers and production centers
and let them thrive as South Korea has thrived for over 50 years, then
they have no need of nuclear weapons. Do you understand?”
Response: “Yes.”
As to the Middle Eastern conflict, the Middle East has been a place of
conflict and problem since Lord Balfour made his famous resolution
dividing up the Middle East into territories that currently exist. This
is not an easy situation.
While Israel has the power to annihilate Iran, Iran will not stop
getting nuclear weapons. No one can cause or get Israel to give up its
nuclear power. The ball then, is in Iran's court as you would say. They
must determine what they are going to do. Do they think they can strike
fast and hard enough to avoid retaliation, or are they willing to risk
the annihilation of their people and their country forever? Because if
Israel attacks, that area will be uninhabitable for a thousand years.
You might say, you will have Armageddon.
In the meantime, one must hope that no US President is stupid enough to
try to push military action toward Iran. Israel will not attack unless
provoked. They must believe that they are under imminent attack from
Iran in order to respond. And if that occurs as a war, then there will
be no more Middle East oil. It has been said in our realm, that an
explosion there can produce a fire that will burn for a hundred years.
Do you understand?”
Response: “Yes, it would set the underground oil on fire.”
David: “That is correct.”
Question: “Many years ago, you told us that animals are here to serve
us and that their spirit or consciousness comes from a different plane.
When a beloved pet dies, does that same animal spirit often return to us
in the form of another pet, perhaps even in a different species? Do
animals sometimes choose to die when they know it is time to leave us?”
David: “First, let's take the last. Animals do not choose to die, though
they may be drawn out, taken when it is time, and that will seem like
the same thing, but it is not the animal consciousness. We probably
should not have used the word 'serve,' at least not in the servile
sense. The animal is a companion to you. Their service is their
presence, their affection, their relationship. They do have a tendency
to return.
But let us go back and realize, that the animal consciousness is not an
evolving one. They are like wood nymphs, or even angels, in a sense.
They do not need to evolve. They are as perfect as they need to be at
any given moment. If an animal has been mistreated and becomes of bad
humor and must be terminated, that is not the animal who committed the
error, but those who treated it to arrive at that state.
Yes, an animal spirit can be brought back, but that is through your
guide. The guide has the greater action in that, and your guide usually
brings the animal to you, knowing your needs and the opportunity for you
to benefit from the presence of this animal. The animal will benefit
from the presence of anyone since it seeks nothing except a place to
sleep, food and water, and a bit of love. But it is you who has the
need, and therefore, your guide will bring, and often times will cause
the same spirit to return, or near identical one, but usually it is the
same. We have seen cases that within a lifetime a person has had 3 or 4
pets, as you call them, wherein the same spirit is present. That is a
natural element.
The animals that we have domesticated, as you say, that have become
pets, are very special creatures. They are no different, in one sense,
than the other animals that seek to serve as well. Every animal in this
world serves a purpose. The only difficulty man has, is his creation of
animals for the purpose of food and the cruelty he bestows upon them in
that process. Remember, that even the buzzard serves the earth.”
Question: “You have spoken of many possible cataclysmic events in the
future. If an individual had the resources and could choose to move,
where would be the safest locations here in the United States or even
somewhere else in the world?”
David: “Do you wish to create a stampede? The safest zones, in reality,
are in the mountains, in the high country, even though many of them may
have geological faults nearby. Generally speaking, the high country is
the safest, that where there are great timber beds. Now man is removing
the timber beds quickly, but the timberline in the mountain, just south
of that, is one of the safest places to be, whether it be in the United
States, the Rocky Mountains, or the mountains of California which are
weaker because of the fault lines. Or in the Andean Mountains of South
America., the energy there is quite strong. Hopefully, someday you may
visit them. The mountains of Europe, the Pyrenees, Urals, they are all
good safe places to be. We do not wish to be at the water's edge, not at
ocean or river, for many changes will come.”
Question: “When I was a young boy, there was a property in Alabama
that had a lot of minerals on it. I was thinking of looking for that
property to see if it might be available.”
David: “First, look to see if you can find it, and the availability,
surprisingly enough, will always be made. But remember one thing, be
careful what you ask for. Study carefully that which you are looking at
and make certain that you have a sound reason, or it could pass as non
important, and then it does not matter.
You can get anything you wish. The problem is that many who receive what
they wish, later do not wish it any longer. I believe there is a song by
the country singers which says, 'Thank God for the unanswered prayers.'
But look for the property, and if you can bring me the coordinates, the
geographic latitude, longitude of it, we would be happy to answer you
further. Proceed.”
Question: “In the last few years, there has been a dramatic increase
of children being diagnosed with autism. Some believe that it is due to
vaccinations, although we are told that in most cases, the harmful
ingredient in vaccinations is no longer present. Can you tell us why
autism is affecting so many children?”
David: “It is not the vaccinations. It is the consciousness. Can you
imagine the horror of coming to realize what world you have come to?
Would you want to enter this world at this time?”
Response: “Probably not.”
David: “Think of it, a world on the verge of destroying itself, a world
that is consuming the energy of the Earth that it made from itself in
the stone age for lack of energy, a world where values have no meaning,
where it is unlawful to speak of God in a public school. Assuming for a
moment, that a consciousness that had evolved, arrives here upon this
plane and suddenly realizes what there is. What would he do? Would he
not withdraw within himself? Think of autism, and think of another type
of autism when you get old. What would you call it?”
Response: “Alzheimer?”
David: “Interesting, no? Both are escaping from reality. Many have
reasons, but it is very easy, even as you know, to go off in meditation
and not want to return. Isn't that so?”
Response: “Yes.”
David: “It is not the vaccine, it is the world. As we bring in more
sensitive beings, and some of them have been traumatized by the war...
remember, that the soul who has died in its physical form violently, by
war, by accident, by suicide while still young, returns within five
years. Better to be autistic than to join life and maybe go off to war
and kill or be killed. Plus some of the reactions are genetic. Some are
from the drug abuse that has occurred, but none, at the moment, are due
to vaccinations. Proceed.”
Question: “Another condition that is growing more prevalent is
fibromyalgia. Some doctors do not even recognize it as a valid
condition, yet the symptoms are debilitating for those who suffer with
it. Can you tell us anything about this disease?”
David: “It is a painful disease. It has existed for a long time, it is
not new. It is part of the process of reversing nature. Nature's law is
the elimination of the weakest, the survival of the strongest. As your
medical systems become more and more advanced, we continue to save the
weaker genetic structures, allowing diseases or infirmities such as this
to take on larger proportions. All of these elements are aggravated by
sociological, environmental, food chain, and general energy circles in
which we live. We have no assistance for this problem at this time.
Question: “Does my guide have a message for me tonight?”
David: “One moment... What exercise form are you doing?”
Response: “I really don't do any form of exercise.”
David: “Your guide recommends that you develop a system of exercise,
possibly yoga or some other constant or repetitive type of exercise. You
are accumulating some toxins in your system that would be eliminated by
exercise. Do you swim?”
Response: “No, very little.”
David: “Do you take baths?”
Response: “No.”
David: “They are things to be considered. Bathing is an excellent way to
help cleanse the skin, if you have good water. Remember, baths have been
used for thousands of years. It is only in the last hundred years that
you have invented the shower as a replacement for the bath, and women
from time have been famous for their baths. Something to consider,
bathtubs are cheaper than doctors. Proceed.”
Question: “I have a spot on my leg the size of a half dollar. It's
purple, it's been biopsied, and they say it is a venous stasis and
nothing can be done for it. My problem is the itching and the burning.
Do you have a solution?”
David: “It is distended?”
Response: “Slightly swollen.”
David: “There are two things we would do for it. One, we would soak some
charcoal in cod liver oil and place it over the area with an elastic
bandage, keeping it there the majority of the time that you can, taking
it off for several hours each day and washing it carefully.”
Response: “Wrapping it with Saran wrap?”
David: “That might be possible yes, but be careful of the breathing of
the skin. The other is to find a small flat rock that is just slightly
greater than the spot, and again place it in place with an elastic
Response: “Any particular type of rock?”
David: “A river rock, one that is worn smooth would be the best choice.
If you can find a red one it is better, and if it were smooth and were a
piece of petrified wood, even better still. Do you understand?”
Response: “Yes.”
David: “We used that thousands of years ago as a treatment for that type
of problem.”
Response: “And the itchiness and burning?”
David: “That is what the oil and charcoal will do.”
Response: “Will that eliminate it eventually, or is this a constant
David: “We shall not know until you try it. Your body has some strange
reactions because of old events, therefore we cannot always be certain
as to their cause. Is that it then?”
Response: “Yes, thank you.”
David: “Remember, your reality is in your hands. You can walk through
the gates of hell without harm, or as the 23rd Psalm would say, 'Yea
though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no
evil.' It is true because it is your faith and your energy that
maintains you, each of you. It is when you let go of that faith that the
ceiling can fall upon you. You must be as Samson and hold up the pillars
until it is time to bring them down. That is all.”