
The material contained on this website represents a unique compilation of channelings which were published in monthly communications known as Light Messengers from 1978 to 1992. The monthly newsletters were later published as a book both in English and in Spanish. The channel, Richard C. Rebeck, has known and communicated with his guide, David, since early childhood, but it wasn't until January 1978 that the energy of the Brotherhood Of Light established communication. The Brotherhood Of Light, not to be confused with the Great White Brotherhood, is a source of energy which emanates from the seventh astral plane. There are seven primary members of the Brotherhood and their communications are transmitted via representatives known as Messengers which are identified by number only. No names have ever been used in the communications, because, as the Brotherhood has indicated, it would be impossible to prove the identity of any famous personage or Master, and those who make such identity claims have been known by many different personalities during the course of history. Light Messenger material differs from other channeled information in several respects. The channel, Richard C. Rebeck, is able to leave his body at will, and without borrowing energy from other people as most channels do, the Messengers (or David) take control and deliver the information without the channel's consciousness filtering or influencing the data. The messages are tape recorded and later transcribed, word for word without editing, except on very rare occasions. The delivery is always articulate, precise, extremely clear, and often controversial in nature. Dogma is never forced upon the reader who is always asked to test the information in the fire of his own experience. The Light Messenger is financed solely by donations from recipients and sympathetic patrons, and no person has ever received any financial gain in connection thereof. All monies received are used to perpetuate the work of the Brotherhood. Three individuals originally accepted the obligation and responsibility for the Messenger's production, and they hold all copyrights to the material. Those persons are Richard Rebeck, Peggy Steinberg, and Salvatore Cacciola. As of today, March 16th 2020, only Richard C. Rebeck is handling the work. Donations can be made to the site account of  Many other persons have been involved in the work of the Light Messenger over the years and that list is to long to publish here. The current work of the Light Messenger (year 2020) in English is supported by Richard C. Rebeck.  Another person not to be forgotten is Ross Levis of New Zealand who single handedly published the Light Messenger in the Internet several years ago while Richard was in South America. Without his efforts more than 19,000 persons would not have had access to the material. The Spanish version (Book) was published In Merida Venezuela in 1990. Free to read on the net, all hard copies sold out years ago.


Biographical Information

Richard Rebeck

RICHARD CHAIM REBECK Espinoza was born the eldest son of a Sephardic Jewish family on March 10 in Syracuse, NY and raised in Quebec Canada till he was 15. As the grandson of Rebbe Hyman of Kiev, he was trained from childhood in the Kabbalah and other mystical philosophies. He was formally educated in the fields of Life Science and Engineering and expanded his studies in Religion, History and Languages while earning his Masters and Doctoral Degrees. A man of exceptional talents, Richard is the fourth generation of his family to practice astrology and speaks 16 languages fluently. Before devoting his life to lecturing and teaching in many fields including metaphysics and astrology, he specialized in medical research and managed his own corporations. Today, he lives in the Philippines and is working on several books.

Peggy Rebeck

PEGGY Steinberg (David prefers Peggia) was born February 22,  in Kansas City, MO, with her earliest roots steeped in good old Southern Baptist religion. Peggy was married three times (once to Richard) and devoted many years to motherhood. Son, Todd, made his transition in 1980, daughter, Tara, is now married and working as a Registered Nurse. Astrology, metaphysics, philosophy and the Tarot captured Peggy's attention for many years before she began her role and work with the BROTHERHOOD. Peggy currently resides in St. Augustine, FL, where she is retired. She has begun two books and hopes to someday find time to pursue her writing dreams more actively.

Sal Cacciola

SALVATORE CACCIOLA, with Catholic Italian lineage, he hails from Brooklyn, NY. His birthday is September 26. Salvatore was a cosmetologist before he became a statistic of the Vietnam war with 90% disability. He later graduated from the RCA Institute and migrated south to Inverness, FL. His many interests include astrology, computers, healing, channelship, Internet and stock market.   Sal is single and now lives in St. Augustine, Florida.

A message from the Webmaster

These newsletters were originally published on paper from 1978 to 1992. Although the initial publications are now over 30 years old, the information presented from the Brotherhood Of Light and David is as relevant today as it was then.

All material from the Brotherhood and David has been kept intact with virtually no editing whatsoever, however, they were typed by hand and some typing errors may have slipped in. Please e-mail me if you find a mistake of this nature.

The introductions by Peggy, Richard and Sal have been edited when necessary to remove outdated issues regarding their circumstances.

Richard, Peggy & Sal are not now involved with The Sanctuary Of Light mentioned in some newsletters. It was later renamed to the Living Light Center which no longer exists. The Color Healing Chamber also mentioned was moved to a center on the east coast of Florida just south of St. Augustine.

Richard C. Rebeck now resides in the Philippines where he still maintains a small group with random sessions with David and the Brotherhood. He also practices as a Professional Astrologer.

He has released a book containing all the Light Messenger material in Spanish. The logo on the main web page is from that book's cover. now free to read in Internet.

Richard has lived in many parts of the world and has traveled over the globe several times. Until 1995 he was traveling frequently and teaching at many universities and private schools. He returned to the US in 2004 with his business partner Marlene Parra who has been mostly responsible for the Spanish version of the Light Messenger in  internet.

I hope that this material will help all of you in your quest for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Please e-mail me with any comments, questions or problems regarding the website.
Richard Rebeck  (

Donations can be sent to account of

  Thank you
